they call me alice♥

they call me aliceā™„

Monday, 19 August 2013

Im back! ♥

Hello again! Sorry its been so long! I just felt like i hadn't done anything interesting enough to blog about, and i didn't just want to blog something for the sake of it because it probably wouldn't be very interesting and in a few weeks time i would probably look back on it and regret posting it! Anyhow i am back now and i have made a promise to myself that i want to try and blog at least once a week if not more!

So i have spent a while thinking about what direction i wanted my blog to go in, but i just couldn't decide! That is why i am now going to try a mixture of different things and see where it takes me, including fashion, make up, DIY's, baking and just general life events! 
However i also wanted to have some ideas for more reoccurring posts, so i have come up with...
1. Thoughts from... - which will literally just be about anything i feel like posting with no particular theme
2. My essentials - so anything from school, beauty, holidays, clothes etc.
3. Just another list of... - a quick blog post involving a list of some sort of maybe something i have done or something i wish to do!

I thought this might help me if i had no idea what to write about to stop me from just not posting anything, but this wont limit what i write about and i could literally do anything!
So what are you waiting for! Join me in the "re-birth" of my blog and don't forget to follow me for a journey of things that will hopefully make you smile! :) enjoy...

love alice x
(ps. song of the day is "the boys are back" from high school musical, because i have decided it is quite appropriate, and i have only just watched the final movie the other day, which i LOVED!)