now i have called this post a "DIY" although its really not, but i just think it is one of those simple things that you can do to make your day just a little brighter....
recently my parents have kindly allowed me to "have" one of there old laptops, because it seems to live in my room anyway, so i decided to change the background from one of those generic nature shots of some blurry leaves or spectacular mountains and replace it with something more meaningful to me: the problem was i didn't know which photo!!
that's when i came across picmonkey ( i found this because i realised that's how my sister was editing all her Facebook pictures :P) which was a perfect website not only for perking up dull photos, but great for creating photo collages! i think this is perfect to use as a computer desktop background because you don't have to decide on just one photo, and you can have millions of memories just hiding away whilst you browse the web until you go to log-off, where it just leaves a little smile on your face :)
i found the site really easy to use because it had such a simple website layout, the photos imported so easily, you could choose exactly the size you wanted the canvas to be and where and what size you wanted the photos: it was brilliant!!!
i would definitely recommend doing this just because it is so easy to do and it really adds a personal touch to your computer. (TIP: SADLY YOU CAN ONLY PUT AROUND 40 PICTURES ON EACH COLLAGE, SO I CHOSE TO MAKE 4 AND THEN MERGE ALL OF THEM TOGETHER BECAUSE THAT ADDED MY DESIRED AMOUNT OF PHOTOS!)
my attempt at a collage! what do you think?♥ |
so yeah! i hope this may have given you an idea for you own computer background, or it may even look good in a photo frame! anyone going to give this a go?
alice x
(ps. song of the day is "naïve" originally by the kooks, but this is a cover by Lily Allen which is just as amazing as the original!)
(pps. I have finally worked out how to add a follow button... yay!! please follow me on friend connect of bloglovin (or both!) ♥)
(ppps. i think there is a lovely photo of becca of colourful visions (which is an AMAZING BLOG! please go have a look♥) as the blue caterpillar from "alice in wonderland" on the bottom in the center there! hehe :P)
(pppps. i also have to mention that my absaloutely gorgeous friends Pip of "strawberrypipfashion", Alice of "Illustration Narration" and Scarlett of "optimisticbutneverquiteelegant" all have utterly wonderfull blogs which you should all go look at RIGHT NOW (even though this seems ridiculous because i only have myself as a follower, but even if you don't follow me please go follow them + becca too!))
(ppppps. if you are still reading to here then i love you♥ goodbye!)