they call me alice♥

they call me aliceā™„

Sunday, 13 October 2013

DIY Banksy Wall Art♥

Hello everyone! i am so so sorry that i haven't been sticking to my posting schedule, however today i have something very exciting that i want to tell you about, because i did this during the summer holidays but i have just been too nervous to put it up! It is my Banksy Wall Art Video....

Now this is the first video i have ever put on YouTube  and i know its terribly edited and i have no makeup on, but give me a chance! I'm still a bit cautious about the whole thing but hopefully i will get better. Anyway the video doesn't really go into much detail about how i actually did it, so i thought that i might do it on here even thought it was actually surprisingly easy :P

1. Print off the image that you want to the size that you want it to be on your wall (remember the image will be the opposite way around on your wall, so bare that in mind when printing off the image)
2. Trace the image using tracing paper (i stuck mine to the floor to stop it from moving)
3. Tape the tracing on the wall the other way around where you want it to go. Then go over it with a pencil to transfer the design onto the wall (i then went over the lines straight onto the wall to make them clearer and so hopefully there was less chance of me making a mistake!)
4. Paint your design! You can use specially designed paint, but i just used some from the 99p store and it worked just as well.
5. Once its dry go around the edge of it with a rubber to remove any pencil smudging that may be left.

And there you have it! I hope this might have given you some encouragement if maybe you have wanted to paint a mural on your wall or just something to change up your room a little :D

love alice x

(ps. Song of the day is "pencil full of lead" by Paolo Nutini, because i have always loved this song but have never found out the name of it until recently!)

Monday, 23 September 2013

how to make your jeans skinnier (boyfriend jeans)♥

hello everyone! now I'm really sorry but i had this post all typed up and ready to go and i accidentally deleted it, so it probably wont be too long as i don't have much time to do it now but yeah.... Anyway, the reason i did this was because i bought a pair of old levis super cheap and they fitted really nicely around the waist, but i wasn't a big fan of the cut of the jeans as they were really wide and too short at the end (the photo on the right), so i decided to do something about it...

1. Turn the jeans inside out and put them back on again, with the zipper at the front.

2. It might be a good idea to get someone to help you with this so that you dont hurt yourself because you need to pin your jeans to the width you would like. I did this by getting my sister to pull the outside side of the leg so that the other side was touching my inside leg, then i pinned the outside of the leg.

3. Carefully wriggle out of the jeans and place them on the floor. Then take a marker and draw a smooth line connecting where the pins are, and turn the pins to 90 degrees so that you can sew over them.

4. Using a simple straight stitch, sew down the jeans, and go backwards a little at the end so that the thread doesnt come out. I would recommend doing it to one leg and then trying it on before you do the other leg to make sure you have it about the right size. And remember that it is a lot easier to make them tighter than looser otherwise you have to unpick it.

5. This step is optional but i chose to cut the excess fabric off from the inside so that it would lie flatter on my leg.

6. Roll up the ends and you are done! You could sew them up  but i didn't to mine and it has caused me no trouble!

And there you have it! The reason i decided not to make them into skinny jeans is that it is a much more difficult process if you want to make them skin tight as the seams would be different and you would have to be a lot more precise with your sewing! If you have any suggestions of things you would like me to make then please say and i will look into them...

Love alice x
(Ps. Song of the day is "counting stars" by one republic because i never really liked any of their songs before this one, and now i love them!)

How to "de-clutter" your wardrobe♥

hello everyone! this is just a quick little thing that i saw on Facebook a while ago about a different way to store your clothes that creates more space.

You start by folding your clothes the way they do in shops (sides in to the middle, then fold into 3rds). Then in your draws you place them vertically up so they are all tightly packed in. This keeps all the clothes in rows, and reduces so much space in your drawers! seriously my clothes stopped overflowing all the drawers and now they only take up half the space. This gives you a brilliant excuse just to go out and buy loads of new clothes to replace the space that you have now! (and i decided to test it out for you guys first, and ive been doing it for about 2 weeks now and it does work really well!) it also helps you see your clothes a lot easier without having to root through the whole pile :)

so why don't you give it a try! (so it is so short and that it is on a Monday, i had something all ready and then i had to go and delete it! but i will try and do it for next week, promise!)
love alice x
(ps. song of the day is "piano" by ariana grande, just because i say so!)

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Camden market ♥

Well hey ya'll! How you doin? Sadly the summer holidays have come to an end for me, however on the last day before school started i got the chance to go to camden market for the first time! If you dont know what camden is it is a huge market held daily (i think?) in camden that has a huge variety of stalls, such as clothes, flowers and bang bang chicken! (That stuff is seriously AMAZING!) It is a wonderfully colourful place filled with lots of people trying to sell you all sorts of things. 

I had never been beofre that day, however a couple of my friends had been and told me that i would love it there, and oh my were they right! We took the train up to charing cross, then took a tube to camden where the market was only a matter of minutes away and you could already see all of the little roadside stalls. My favourite were all the little clothes shops even though some of it was a little overpriced, (but if you are brave enough to haggle then its okay!) however i was able to find a tshirt for £2 with a banksy grafitti print on it that i thought was a good deal! However in all of this excitement i wasnt able to get a single picture of the market itself, which was a bit of a bummer (sorry guys!)

Although i had great fun it did happen to be a very hot day so neither my mum or sister really wanted to shop for that long so unfortunately i had to leave pretty quickly. My mum decided to take us on a pretty route beside the canal to reach regent station, which took us through the beautiful regent park that i had never visited before, and it actually ended up being the highlight of the day!


The views were beautiful, we got a great spot on top if a fence to see the penguins in london zoo from, and i had a lovely conversation with an old man who had made a heart out of leaves on the side of the path and it was so cute!

love alice x

(Ps. Song of the day is "im a rapper" by marcus butler because it is wierdly very catchy and i have been listening to it every time ive been on my ipod since i have dowloaded it )

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Thoughts from Studland beach ♥

Hello! So over the bank holiday my family and i went to Poole and Christchurch which are English coastal towns. (Seriously, i haven't even left the UK this whole holiday!) Anyway, over the 4 days i was there we went to lots of beautiful places and tried to make the most of the beautiful (errr...) English weather and tried to at least visit the beach every day. This meant a lot of too and fro-wing from the car carrying wind breaks and plastic chairs, but on the last day it all became worth it when we spent our last day at Studland beach. This is a national trust owned beach so as you can imagine it was always going to be very clean with a coffee shop never more than 10 minutes away! Now we did manage to spend a couple of hours there the previous day, but on that Monday we got 8 hours on the beach!

At first we didn't even think we were going to get in because it was so busy and they stopped letting people in after a while because they didn't want it to become too overcrowded and we were one of the last people in! In a way i am kind of glad because it was already packed by the time we got there and i think if there were even more people we wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. Overall the day was AMAZING! I managed to build up the courage to get in the water and dip my head under (which if you know how cold English waters are, you will understand just how much bravery that took), i finished reading the book i was assigned for English, i definitely got a tan (even if i am still pale as anything) and i got some gorgeous photos for y'-all! 


Hahahahahahahaha!!!! this is my favourite one of my sister!

I genuinely think it is the most beautiful beach in the UK... (if not the world!)

Love alice x

(Ps. Song of the day is "Gold Digger" by Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx, because this song was recently on iTunes for 59p and it was one of my best song buys of the summer!)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Back to school ♥

Well how is everyone doing eh? I just wanted to see how everyone is coping going back to school soon... I know it can be tough but i wanted to share with everyone some things that i find help me get back into the routine with slightly more ease than my sister ;)

1. I love getting new school stuff (even if its just a new folder or a pair of school shoes) so that when i go back it feels like a bit of a fresh start and it just seems nicer going back :)

my shoes are that i found in Topshop that i really like because i have quite small feet and
these shoes make them look longer (plus i think that they are really cute too!)

2. This year i have set some goals that i am aiming to stock to as best as i can, especially at the beginning of term, to make it easier as the work gets harder through out the year,
  • Rather than just giving in a piece of art homework that just has the information in, but i really don't like, make sure i do it well enough the first time so that i know i wont have to re do it in the future!
  • Do science and English notes as i go, rather than leaving it all for the holidays!

3. Try to go to school everyday with a positive attitude! I know its Such a clichĆ© and is the hardest thing in the world when nothing seems to be going right that morning, but when you smile others will smile, which will make them happier  so you will feel good about yourself, and Voila! Your day just gets better!

4. I have been watching a lot of back to school essentials videos on you tube recently, and i honestly think its crazy how much stuff they think that you should bring to school every day, and i think its more important to keep your bag free from junk and make it as light as possible, because it will be so much easier to keep it organised the less stuff you have in it, and your shoulders will thank you in the long run!

5. There are also a lot of locker organisation videos where i find a lot of the stuff unnecessary like mirrors and pencil holders, but i would recommend a magazine holder, because i like having one to hold all my books, then my folders and textbooks easily fit around them, and it makes everything so much easier to find!

6. This is such a simple one, but i think a good quality pair of headphones just makes listening to music at school so so so much nicer, and if you are allowed to listen to your ipod in class, its always nice to have a pair where both headphones work so you can offer your neighbour one of them :)

these headphones from skullcandy are really good because they fold away and are great to
carry around, but not so great if you want to listen to music with a friend :(

7. i know for picture day everyone likes to look gorgeous with their hair done up and a full face of makeup (including me!), but after that day it becomes so much easier not to wear makeup! I know some people are insecure about their skin, but there is honestly no need to be! Everyone looks so beautiful and they really don't need it! It will do your skin a favour to let it breathe during school and it should start to look healthier in no time! It also gives you more time to relax in the morning and honestly, nobody really cares at school! Not a single person looks like they have just stepped out of a salon every morning, do they? And after a matter of minutes nobody will even notice if you are wearing makeup or not, so you can save the makeup for a special occasion where you will look even more beautiful :)

8. It is also a good time saver in the morning if to can resist straightening or curling your hair everyday! I always find it better to try out different up dos and braids because it can be so much faster, and you aren't damaging your hair at all! Its just brilliant!

...and i couldn't think of anything else to make it up to ten, but i still think its a pretty good list! If anyone else has any suggestions on any good ways to help get back into the swing of getting up early and going to school then please let me know, because i would love to know what you guys think!

Love alice x

(Ps. Song of the day is "not listening" by times red, because i think it would be a brilliant one for the alarm clock in the morning!)

(PPs. im wondering about making a schedule so i post at least once a week on a Saturday, how does that sound?)

(+PPPs. i know i just said about the schedule and i know it is now sunday, but it meant to go up yesterday! Promise!)

Monday, 19 August 2013

Im back! ♥

Hello again! Sorry its been so long! I just felt like i hadn't done anything interesting enough to blog about, and i didn't just want to blog something for the sake of it because it probably wouldn't be very interesting and in a few weeks time i would probably look back on it and regret posting it! Anyhow i am back now and i have made a promise to myself that i want to try and blog at least once a week if not more!

So i have spent a while thinking about what direction i wanted my blog to go in, but i just couldn't decide! That is why i am now going to try a mixture of different things and see where it takes me, including fashion, make up, DIY's, baking and just general life events! 
However i also wanted to have some ideas for more reoccurring posts, so i have come up with...
1. Thoughts from... - which will literally just be about anything i feel like posting with no particular theme
2. My essentials - so anything from school, beauty, holidays, clothes etc.
3. Just another list of... - a quick blog post involving a list of some sort of maybe something i have done or something i wish to do!

I thought this might help me if i had no idea what to write about to stop me from just not posting anything, but this wont limit what i write about and i could literally do anything!
So what are you waiting for! Join me in the "re-birth" of my blog and don't forget to follow me for a journey of things that will hopefully make you smile! :) enjoy...

love alice x
(ps. song of the day is "the boys are back" from high school musical, because i have decided it is quite appropriate, and i have only just watched the final movie the other day, which i LOVED!) 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

my sketchbook | art♥

hello, how are you today! now i was having a bit of a room clear out the other day and i stumbled upon an old sketchbook of mine...

my sketchbook♥
now last year i got a bit of a thing for drawing and doodling whilst i was on holiday, like on the plane or lying in bed (or just generally waiting around!) and i thought i might share some of my favourite ones on here, so enjoy!

what'chu lookin at?♥

 on the left i have a drawing of a girl sitting on a swing drawn <---------------------- in pencil♥

and on the right i have another girl but this time drawn with pastels ♥ (excuse my knees in shot, i am not very good with this whole blogging thing yet!) ---------------------------->

and below i have a drawing of one direction ♥ (but without the faces, i cant draw faces!)


because converse and sunglasses are so indie?♥
I love Ed Sheeran!♥

 So there you have it, my sketchbook! i hope this wasn't too boring as it was mainly just pictures! if anybody has any suggestions of anything they would like to see me post then please do tell me! see you soon...
alice x
(ps. song of the day is "no diggity" originally by Blackstreet & Dr. Dre, then covered in the pitch perfect film, and then i found this version by Ed Sheeran and Passenger and i have to say i think this is the best version!)

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Computer Background | DIY♥

Hello my little loves! i hope everyone is having/has had a wonderful Easter weekend and doesn't feel too sick from all the chocolate!

now i have called this post a "DIY" although its really not, but i just think it is one of those simple things that you can do to make your day just a little brighter....

recently my parents have kindly allowed me to "have" one of there old laptops, because it seems to live in my room anyway, so i decided to change the background from one of those generic nature shots of some blurry leaves or spectacular mountains and replace it with something more meaningful to me: the problem was i didn't know which photo!!

that's when i came across picmonkey ( i found this because i realised that's how my sister was editing all her Facebook pictures :P) which was a perfect website not only for perking up dull photos, but great for creating photo collages! i think this is perfect to use as a computer desktop background because you don't have to decide on just one photo, and you can have millions of memories just hiding away whilst you browse the web until you go to log-off, where it just leaves a little smile on your face :)

i found the site really easy to use because it had such a simple website layout, the photos imported so easily, you could choose exactly the size you wanted the canvas to be and where and what size you wanted the photos: it was brilliant!!!

i would definitely recommend doing this just because it is so easy to do and it really adds a personal touch to your computer. (TIP: SADLY YOU CAN ONLY PUT AROUND 40 PICTURES ON EACH COLLAGE, SO I CHOSE TO MAKE 4 AND THEN MERGE ALL OF THEM TOGETHER BECAUSE THAT ADDED MY DESIRED AMOUNT OF PHOTOS!)

my attempt at a collage! what do you think?♥

so yeah! i hope this may have given you an idea for you own computer background, or it may even look good in a photo frame! anyone going to give this a go?
alice x
(ps. song of the day is "naĆÆve" originally by the kooks, but this is a cover by Lily Allen which is just as amazing as the original!)
(pps. I have finally worked out how to add a follow button... yay!! please follow me on friend connect of bloglovin (or both!) ♥)
(ppps. i think there is a lovely photo of becca of colourful visions (which is an AMAZING BLOG! please go have a look♥) as the blue caterpillar from "alice in wonderland" on the bottom in the center there! hehe :P)
(pppps. i also have to mention that my absaloutely gorgeous friends Pip of "strawberrypipfashion", Alice of "Illustration Narration" and Scarlett of "optimisticbutneverquiteelegant" all have utterly wonderfull blogs which you should all go look at RIGHT NOW (even though this seems ridiculous because i only have myself as a follower, but even if you don't follow me please go follow them + becca too!))
(ppppps. if you are still reading to here then i love you♥ goodbye!)

Saturday, 30 March 2013

creme egg brownies | baking♥

morning all! (or afternoon or evening or night, whenever it is)

a few days ago it was my friend Hebe's birthday and it was also the last day of school before the Easter holidays, yay! so to celebrate i made my version of crĆØme egg brownies, mmm...

i based my recipe on one from "sweet harts cakes and bakes" however i did also sort of use one from a Cadburys recipe book, so here is what i did...

180g milk chocolate
210g butter
80g self-raising flour
40g cocoa powder
3 eggs
250g caster sugar
6 Cadbury crĆØme eggs
15 celebrations
100g lindt chocolate (i used the little easter eggs!)
1. Firstly preheat the oven to 180 and line a tin (i had a 20 by 30cm one) with greaseproof paper.
2. Melt the butter and chocolate together in the microwave in 30 second bursts.
3. Use an electric whisk to beat together the sugar and the eggs in a different bowl until they are light and fluffy and doubled in size!
4. Then, still using the whisk beat in the melted chocolate mixture until you end up with a chocolate mousse looking substance
5. Next sift the flour and coco powder into the bowl and fold it in to maintain the air in your mousse (a metal spoon is good to use!)
6. (optional step!) Unwrap all of your celebrations and little easter eggs and place each of them into the mixture and briefly fold them in again (this makes your brownies even more chocolatey and gooey!)
7. Pour your mixture into the tin and place in the oven for 20 mins (if you pour it from a low height then you reduce the risk of loosing all the air from your mixture!)
now would be a good time to do some of your washing up! :P
8. just before your timer goes off you need to cut each of your crĆØme eggs into four pieces (this is easier if they have just come out of the fridge because the goo isn't as sticky and it will be easier to clean up!
9. briefly take your brownies out (they should still be quite wobbly which is perfect!) and randomly drop your crĆØme eggs on top. Some should start to sink and others will stay on the surface
10. return to the oven for a further 10-20 mins  until the centre feels firm on the top but soft underneath
11. leave too cool in the tin for 5 mins before moving it to a cooling rack
12. cut your brownies up and for best results serve immediately
13. enjoy!
These were so fun to make and of course to eat! they were so chocolately (and brimming with calories!) and everyone struggled to eat more than 1! i would definitely recommend trying this one because it was so delicious and perfect for easter!
so i hope everyone has a fantabulous Easter however they are celebrating it and i will see you soon! (and happy belated birthday Hebe!)
alice x
(ps. song of the day is "little lion man" by Munford and sons because it just seems a nice happy song for easter! have fun :P)

Friday, 29 March 2013

no braces! | life♥

hello and welcome back! hope you are all well :)

sorry again but today is another little post about me again, apologies! however this is one of those things that will hopefully only happen once in my life and that is getting my braces removed! (little round of applause!)

so i first got my braces on a couple of days before (or it may have been after I'm not too sure!) my 13th birthday, all because i have a couple of teeth that are slightly too small so the rest of my teeth weren't in the right places. anyway i wont go into too much detail but the actually whole process probably started when i was 11, because my first orthodontist said that i could have it done on the NHS but i would have to go on a long waiting list. so i waited and waited and after around 18months i finally got them on.

before i was quite excited to have them, not because i thought my teeth were that bad but because i always looked really young for my age and i thought braces would make me look older. BIG NO NO. this was not the case and i just remember sitting in the car after just having them on and almost crying on my way to school because they looked so bad! however i soon got used to them and although i never liked them, i knew that it would be worth it in the end...

and they so were! im so glad i got them done and because i only got them off a few days ago i cant stop smiling! they really helped me improve my smile and i love my new teeth! i think they look so much better than they did, see for yourself...

(me on the left with my friend Nat♥)Before my braces, gosh i look bad, please do excuse
me, i was in year 8 and we were on a ski trip! :)

the last photo with my braces off♥

without my braces! SMILE♥
So there you have it folks! My long and painful journey to getting the perfect smile (but i have to say i do think it was worth it!) see you soon...
alice x
(ps. song of the day is "smile" by lily allen, because i think it is quite appropriate and we were discussing old songs that we used to sing when we were kids today)
and i will leave you with this simply fabulous photo of me just... i don't even know what im doing! bye♥)

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

my glasses | life♥

bonjourno! how ya'll doing? this here is a little chat about glasses...

 i have needed glasses for quite a while now and i got my first pair about 8months ago. at the time i just wanted the ground to swallow me up and i couldn't believe i was actually choosing myself REAL glasses! i mean sure as a kid i used to love going into the opticians to try on all the glasses to make my mum laugh, but it just didn't seem real.

anyhow, once i got my glasses it was just amazing. it was like having HD vision or looking through a really fancy camera lense! i used to wear them around the house all the time and i didn't think they looked too bad on me, but i never really wanted to wear them to school. i told myself i didn't really need them and i had been seeing the way i had for years, why did it matter if i didn't wear them now... but really i did need them and deep down i knew it was because i didn't know what people would say. see, i have always liked clothes and fashion, but i don't really like getting things that are exactly bang on trend at the moment. i prefer to get things that are a little quirky or fun but still not too out there, so when i found that the only glasses that really suited me where the "nerd chic" kinda black square frames, i thought people would just thing i was desperately trying to fit in, and that i didn't really need glasses, so i hardly wore them. now this was fine for a while because i would normally sit next to friends and they would happily tell me what was on the board, and if i really couldn't see i would just discretely put them and take them off before the end of the lesson, but this wasn't ideal.

about 2 weeks ago i had to go back to the opticians because i had been straining my eyes a lot trying to see, and i needed a stronger prescription. again came the time where i had to pick my new frames, but this time i kind of embraced it. i tried on lots of glasses but still the only ones that really suited me were the big square frames, but instead of really dreading having new glasses, i just said to myself that it didn't really matter what other people thought, and if i needed glasses and it wasn't just me trying to fit in with the "cool crowd" then i should where them with pride!

and that's what i did....

me wearing my new glasses♥

my glasses are bench BCH-180  in a brown/tortoise shell colour♥

alice x

(ps. song of the day is "primadonna girl" by marina and the diamonds, because its just fab!)

(pps. sorry there has not been much else on my blog apart from my life stuff! however i have some plans coming up which will hopefully lead to some more interesting blogposts! please hang on in there!♥)

Saturday, 23 March 2013

my bedroom wall | life♥

hello! I hope you are all doing well! today I decided to do a post about the wall in my bedroom...

now to most people that would be a really weird topic to talk about, however I would like to think of my room more like a blank canvas that i can fill with little piece of art rather than just a cage in which I sleep in, so here goes!


 this is my bedroom wall! it has been a work in progress for the last couple of years and i am constantly adding stuff to it or updating it! my goal is to completely cover all the walls in my room with something or other to make it a bit more exciting!

the picture of the little girl in the pink hat is really old and used to hang in my
mums room when she was little + the butterflies are made out of old records from charity
shops that have been cut out into that shape ♥

the two photo frames were my dads, but i painted them silver to match
my mirror and put photos of me and my friend in them so i can
always look at them and the good memories we had ♥

i painted this clock myself at school in year 8 and tried to make it match
my wallpaper.... slight fail but its still going strong ♥

i got this sign for £4 at a little shop on the sea front near Christ church ♥


i had always wanted to do the crayon melty artwork thing for ages,
so when i finally decided to do it i wished i hadn't waited so long!
i love it♥

im not sure exactly why i chose these lyrics to go with this picture
but i do quite like it if i say so myself ♥

im not too sure where this drawing of winnie the pooh came from, but it
has always been on the top floor even before my bedroom was put up here!♥

again, i made this myself because i absolutely jadore  this song (even
though you cant buy it in the uk!) and i really wanted to try the idea♥

these pictures were both inspired by things i had seen in shops but
they seemed so expensive, so i gave them a go myself♥
So there you have it! my bedroom wall... maybe i will do a whole room post, what do you think! anyways, song of the day is "love song" by Sara Bareilles because i used to love that song and it brings back so many great memories! enjoy...
alice x