they call me alice♥

they call me aliceā™„

Sunday 13 October 2013

DIY Banksy Wall Art♥

Hello everyone! i am so so sorry that i haven't been sticking to my posting schedule, however today i have something very exciting that i want to tell you about, because i did this during the summer holidays but i have just been too nervous to put it up! It is my Banksy Wall Art Video....

Now this is the first video i have ever put on YouTube  and i know its terribly edited and i have no makeup on, but give me a chance! I'm still a bit cautious about the whole thing but hopefully i will get better. Anyway the video doesn't really go into much detail about how i actually did it, so i thought that i might do it on here even thought it was actually surprisingly easy :P

1. Print off the image that you want to the size that you want it to be on your wall (remember the image will be the opposite way around on your wall, so bare that in mind when printing off the image)
2. Trace the image using tracing paper (i stuck mine to the floor to stop it from moving)
3. Tape the tracing on the wall the other way around where you want it to go. Then go over it with a pencil to transfer the design onto the wall (i then went over the lines straight onto the wall to make them clearer and so hopefully there was less chance of me making a mistake!)
4. Paint your design! You can use specially designed paint, but i just used some from the 99p store and it worked just as well.
5. Once its dry go around the edge of it with a rubber to remove any pencil smudging that may be left.

And there you have it! I hope this might have given you some encouragement if maybe you have wanted to paint a mural on your wall or just something to change up your room a little :D

love alice x

(ps. Song of the day is "pencil full of lead" by Paolo Nutini, because i have always loved this song but have never found out the name of it until recently!)

Monday 23 September 2013

how to make your jeans skinnier (boyfriend jeans)♥

hello everyone! now I'm really sorry but i had this post all typed up and ready to go and i accidentally deleted it, so it probably wont be too long as i don't have much time to do it now but yeah.... Anyway, the reason i did this was because i bought a pair of old levis super cheap and they fitted really nicely around the waist, but i wasn't a big fan of the cut of the jeans as they were really wide and too short at the end (the photo on the right), so i decided to do something about it...

1. Turn the jeans inside out and put them back on again, with the zipper at the front.

2. It might be a good idea to get someone to help you with this so that you dont hurt yourself because you need to pin your jeans to the width you would like. I did this by getting my sister to pull the outside side of the leg so that the other side was touching my inside leg, then i pinned the outside of the leg.

3. Carefully wriggle out of the jeans and place them on the floor. Then take a marker and draw a smooth line connecting where the pins are, and turn the pins to 90 degrees so that you can sew over them.

4. Using a simple straight stitch, sew down the jeans, and go backwards a little at the end so that the thread doesnt come out. I would recommend doing it to one leg and then trying it on before you do the other leg to make sure you have it about the right size. And remember that it is a lot easier to make them tighter than looser otherwise you have to unpick it.

5. This step is optional but i chose to cut the excess fabric off from the inside so that it would lie flatter on my leg.

6. Roll up the ends and you are done! You could sew them up  but i didn't to mine and it has caused me no trouble!

And there you have it! The reason i decided not to make them into skinny jeans is that it is a much more difficult process if you want to make them skin tight as the seams would be different and you would have to be a lot more precise with your sewing! If you have any suggestions of things you would like me to make then please say and i will look into them...

Love alice x
(Ps. Song of the day is "counting stars" by one republic because i never really liked any of their songs before this one, and now i love them!)

How to "de-clutter" your wardrobe♥

hello everyone! this is just a quick little thing that i saw on Facebook a while ago about a different way to store your clothes that creates more space.

You start by folding your clothes the way they do in shops (sides in to the middle, then fold into 3rds). Then in your draws you place them vertically up so they are all tightly packed in. This keeps all the clothes in rows, and reduces so much space in your drawers! seriously my clothes stopped overflowing all the drawers and now they only take up half the space. This gives you a brilliant excuse just to go out and buy loads of new clothes to replace the space that you have now! (and i decided to test it out for you guys first, and ive been doing it for about 2 weeks now and it does work really well!) it also helps you see your clothes a lot easier without having to root through the whole pile :)

so why don't you give it a try! (so it is so short and that it is on a Monday, i had something all ready and then i had to go and delete it! but i will try and do it for next week, promise!)
love alice x
(ps. song of the day is "piano" by ariana grande, just because i say so!)